Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

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Join Our Relationship Mapping AND Circle of Concern Session

Relationship Mapping graphic

Join us Thursday, June 18 from 3-4pm ET for our free interactive training: “Relationship Mapping: Connecting to students during social distancing and beyond.” We’ll also spend time discussing ways to use our popular “Circle of Concern” strategy to help students develop greater empathy for those who are different from them.

Register now!

During this time, there's nothing more important in a child’s life than a positive and stable relationship with a caring adult. Whether students are learning at a distance or in a traditional setting, a positive connection to at least one school adult — whether a teacher, counselor, sports coach, or other school staff member — can have tremendous benefits that include reduced bullying, lower drop-out rates, and improved social emotional capacities.

Rather than leave these connections to chance, relationship mapping invests time in making sure that every student is known by at least one adult.

At the same time, helping students expand their circles of concern to include those who are different from them and those who are particularly vulnerable is more important now than ever before.

In this training, you'll learn how to map the relationships between school adults and students and help students develop greater empathy for those they may not consider. We'll discuss the following during our time together:

  1. How to frame conversations with all school adults about the importance of building caring relationships with students

  2. How to easily collect and analyze data about adult and student relationships at your school

  3. How to pair students with supportive adult mentors within the school

  4. How to create a community of mentors that routinely engage and build relationships with students in particular need

  5. How to develop students’ empathy and support them in taking prosocial actions based on a widened circle of concern

We look forward to sharing evidence-based best practices, but this will be an interactive experience, so we look forward to hearing what's working in your school community too!

Register today!

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Ali Cashin