Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

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Posts in News
HGSE News: Turning Passion into Civic Action

Our Get Out the Vote program was highlighted in the Harvard Graduate School of Education News article: Turning Passion into Civic Action.

"Part of our development is recognizing we’re global citizens and that what we do and say has an impact," said Kayesu Machayo, a program participant. Our initiative provided young activists with the tools to lead voter mobilization projects in their communities.

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Psychology Today: College Deans Promote Self-Care and Coping During Crisis

"The pressure to succeed can be all-consuming for many teens, triggering symptoms of chronic stress, anxiety, and/or depression," writes Katie Hurley in Psychology Today. She describes the new statement from college admissions deans as “good news on the horizon for high school students, and their caregivers, as they navigate this difficult time.”

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The Washington Post: More Than 300 College Deans Explain What They Want — and Don’t Want — to See From Applicants in the Covid-19 Era

So what do admissions officials say they want and don’t want?" College officials have long talked about their holistic admissions practices, but the fact is that test scores have played a large role in many admissions decisions and can even determine where a student decides to apply. For next year, test scores won’t be a factor," writes Valerie Strauss in The Washington Post.

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