Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

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Webinar: Caring For All Students in Times of Need

Ensuring that every student has a positive relationship with at least one school adult is more important – and harder – than ever.

Whether students are learning from a distance or in a traditional setting, a positive connection to at least one school adult — whether a teacher, counselor, sports coach, or other school staff member — can have tremendous benefits that include increased engagement, reduced bullying, and improved social-emotional capacities.

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Get Out the Vote: Civic Empowerment Gap with Meira Levinson and Sean A. Floyd

What is the civic empowerment gap, why does it matter, and how can it be eliminated? In this session, Professor of Education Meira Levinson and CEO Sean A. Floyd discussed insider politics and outsider activism, and why and how youth, people of color, first generation college students, and new Americans can upend traditional power disparities in U.S. politics.

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Return to School with Relationship Mapping

Ensuring that every student has a positive relationship with at least one school adult is more important – and harder – than ever.

That’s why we’re offering offering a free one-hour webinar to schools and districts that would like to use our Relationship Mapping strategy in their communities. We’ve made this strategy as easy as possible to implement either virtually or in-person. Our hope is to help as many educators as possible ensure their students stay connected during this unprecedented time.

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Ali Cashin
Join Our School Climate Committee Strategy Session

Creating an equitable, inclusive school culture can be key in preventing a wide array of social and emotional problems and promoting the development of caring, responsible, and respectful children. Join us Thursday, July 23 from 3-4:30pm ET for our free interactive training: "School Climate Committee: Using Student Voice to Create an Equitable School Climate."

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Ali Cashin
Psychology Today: College Deans Promote Self-Care and Coping During Crisis

"The pressure to succeed can be all-consuming for many teens, triggering symptoms of chronic stress, anxiety, and/or depression," writes Katie Hurley in Psychology Today. She describes the new statement from college admissions deans as “good news on the horizon for high school students, and their caregivers, as they navigate this difficult time.”

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