Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

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Webinar: Sharing Gratitude to Strengthen Connections

young child working on homework

February 18, 2021

Sharing Gratitude to Strengthen Connections


Research shows that gratitude is a predictor of both physical and mental well-being and can be regarded as a moral emotion related to recognizing the feelings and intentions of others. In turn, gratitude can lead to increased motivation to reciprocate and extend generosity to others. In this session, we shared a strategy through which students explore the concept of gratitude through self-reflection and writing thank-you notes to people in their lives (in their school, community, and beyond). In the process, students are encouraged to consider the intentions and costs behind giving and to express gratitude to those who positively contribute to their lives.

The session was focused on:

  • how to help students recognize and express gratitude to others in school and beyond

  • how to help students consider the intentions and costs behind people’s giving, and in turn practice giving back to those for whom one feels gratitude


For Schools:

  1. Virtual Everyday Gratitude Strategy for Middle and High School

  2. In-person Everyday Gratitude Strategy for Grades 3-5

  3. In-person Everyday Gratitude Strategy for Middle and High School

For Families:

  1. How to Teach Kids about Gratitude

  2. Why Regular Gratitude Conversations Matter

  3. Why Expressing Gratitude Matters

Watch the webinar

This webinar is part of Building Connection: A Free COVID-19 Program for Schools. Click here to learn more. Please see the program calendar for more information and webinar links.

Questions? Please email caringschools@makingcaringcommon.org.

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