Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

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Read the latest from Making Caring Common!

You’re in the right place for our media coverage, blog posts, and event information. Our work spans a range of topics, all connected by our commitment to elevate caring and concern for the common good at school, at home, and in our communities. You can review what’s new below or use the dropdowns to sort by topic and category.

Be sure to join our email list and connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram, to stay current with Making Caring Common’s news and updates. If you’re a member of the media, please visit our Media Room.

December 2019: Impact, raising healthy teens, MCC in the news

two panel image of young girls

Read the December update from Making Caring Common and don't forget to sign up for our monthly newsletter to get updates straight to your inbox.

Our Impact

In 2019, we continued to influence the national conversation around caring; worked closely with school leaders, educators, and national partners to bring powerful new resources to schools; embarked on a new national parenting initiative; and forged critical new partnerships in our ongoing work to put ethics and equity at the center of college admissions.


We launched our second widely publicized Turning the Tide report, which calls on parents and high schools to put young people’s character and well-being at the center of a healthier, more sane college admissions process.

We concluded the planning phase for an exciting multi-year project to develop, pilot, and disseminate 15 research-based strategies designed to help parents and primary caregivers promote empathy, gratitude, and diligence in children.

We earned 100+ media hits, elevating our message about caring in a variety of outlets addressing diverse audiences nationwide. 

The list of endorsers for our college admissions campaign grew to over 200 and nearly 140 college admissions deans signed the Deans Commitment Letter. We continue to collaborate with the Coalition Application and The Common Application to add new essay prompts and to create ways for students to report family responsibilities.

Our school-based strategies promoting caring and empathy have reached 150,000+ students through our programs and partnerships.


In the year ahead, we will widely pilot our parenting strategies; share our findings from our three-year college admissions assessment project; release new reports and resources on school integration, children's use of social media, and other critical issues facing children, families, and schools; and continue to develop light-lift, engaging strategies to build caring in schools and homes.

Learn more about our impact.

In the News

Our latest coverage spans parenting, stress, college admissions, and raising caring kids. Read more:

For more information and resources, check out our website, and be sure to follow Making Caring Common on Facebook and Twitter to join the conversation online.

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Ali Cashin