Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

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An empathy-building book list for kids


Children and adults alike tend to empathize with those who are in their own groups of family and friends. But expanding a child’s “circle of concern”— the group of people who children think about, care about, have empathy for, and want to offer kindness to — is important in its own right and is the basis for children’s developing conceptions of fairness and justice.

Making Caring Common’s Caring Schools Network (CSN) team shared some of their favorite empathy-building books for young kids (along with links to audio of the books being read aloud). Don’t forget to read through the reflection questions at the end of the book list below!

Books for building empathy

Those Shoes written by Maribeth Boelts and illustrated by Noah Z. Jones.

Jeremy wants a pair of popular, but expensive, shoes. He finds a pair at a thrift store, but they are too small. Faced with a tough decision, he chooses kindness.

Also try: Those Shoes YouTube Read-Aloud

A Chair for My Mother by Vera B. Williams

A girl and her mother are grateful for the help of friends and neighbors after losing their belongings in a fire. Together they save coins to buy a new comfortable chair.

Also try: A Chair for my Mother YouTube Read-Aloud

Ordinary Mary’s Positively Extraordinary Day by Emily Pearson

Mary’s small act of kindness inspires a waterfall of kind actions by others. 

Also try: Ordinary Mary’s Positively Extraordinary Day YouTube Read-Aloud

Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller

What does it mean to be kind? This book explores ways, both big and small, we can spread kindness.

Also try: Be Kind YouTube Read-Aloud

Be Kind by Zak Able

A fun song about spreading kindness. 

Questions for reflection while reading

  • How do the characters in the book expand their Circles of Concern?

  • How do the kind actions these characters take impact their communities?

Posted by Alison Cashin, Director of Communications


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