Calling all educators! Click here to sign your K-12 school up for the 2025-26 Caring Schools Network today.

Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

What's New

Read the latest from Making Caring Common! You’re in the right place for our media coverage, general updates, and press releases. Topics include: Access and Equity, Bias, Bullying, Caring and Empathy, College Admissions, Gender, MCC Update, Misogyny and Sexual Harassment, Moral and Ethical Development, Parenting, Romantic Relationships, School Culture, Trauma, and Youth Advisory Board.

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Read the latest from Making Caring Common!

You’re in the right place for our media coverage, blog posts, and event information. Our work spans a range of topics, all connected by our commitment to elevate caring and concern for the common good at school, at home, and in our communities. You can review what’s new below or use the dropdowns to sort by topic and category.

Be sure to join our email list and connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram, to stay current with Making Caring Common’s news and updates. If you’re a member of the media, please visit our Media Room.

Update: July 2018

photo collage of mcc news from july 2018

Read the July update from Making Caring Common and don't forget to sign up for our monthly newsletter to get updates straight to your inbox.

In the news

Our work on empathy and consent were in the news this July as was our collaboration with the KIND Foundation. Read more:

For more information and resources, check out our website, and be sure to follow Making Caring Common on Facebook and Twitter to join the conversation online.

Bring Making Caring Common to your school

Deadline approaching!

Join forces with Making Caring Common to build more caring and inclusive school communities. Sign up for the Caring Schools Network, Caring Schools #CommonGood campaign, or Empathy Strategies Initiative by September 1 to participate this school year.

To learn more, visit the Making Caring Common website or book a time to speak with Glenn Manning, our Senior Program Coordinator.

How do you have a dialogue across difference?

Inspired by the Caring Schools #CommonGood campaign’s call to engage students in activities that enable them to "talk across the aisle," Middlesex School has incorporated a new class for freshmen students titled "Dialogues Across Differences."

Rob Munro, Director of Middlesex School's Global Studies initiative, shared with us that "many schools ask their students to be more empathetic, and we were among those schools; however, unless we actively teach how to be empathetic as a class, during the school day, we knew it would be difficult for students to truly grasp how to have difficult, but empathetic interactions."

Save the date for Character Day 2018 

Our friends at Character Day invite you to sign up and join the global movement on September 26, 2018.

Character Day is a free day and global initiative where school districts, individual classrooms, companies, organizations, and families—groups of all sizes—screen films on the science of character development from different perspectives, dive into free printed discussion materials catered to different ages, and join an online global Q&A conversation featuring prominent leaders discussing the importance of developing character strengths (resilience, grit, empathy, courage, kindness)—all rooted in evidence-based research.

More Updates

Ali Cashin