Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

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Posts in News
The New York Times: How Two Lonely Generations Are Helping Each Other Heal

In this New York Times piece, Richard Schiffman talks with Rick Weissbourd about how young adults and the elderly could be less isolated if they had more contact.

“The elderly have so much to share with young people — wisdom about love, work, friendship, mortality and many other things...young people have so much to share with the elderly about a rapidly changing world — not just technology, but new and important ways of thinking about race and racism, justice, sexuality and gender and other critical issues,” says Weissbourd.

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Open Access Government: How Can Parents Help Combat the Crushing Loneliness Felt by Young People?

“Of course, the COVID-19 pandemic has displaced all our lives in different ways and although a concern, a general increase in loneliness across all age groups is to be expected. But the pandemic seems to be having a particularly crushing impact on young people and urgent action must be taken to protect the mental health of this demographic,” writes Philip Adkins, National IAPT Clinical Lead at Vita Health Group.

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The Washington Post: How to Sabotage Your Chance of Getting Into College

“We’re using too many outdated character assessment tools that aren’t based on research, creative thinking or a commitment to equity,” Rick Weissbourd tells The Washington Post.

Until college admission offices are equipped to effectively assess these attributes in applicants, he said, they are likely to default to drawing conclusions from resources like social media.

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Psychology Today: The End of College Loneliness During COVID

How is the college experience been affected by remote classes?

"I imagined making long-lasting memories with my friends, but I’m just feeling disconnected from them.”

“It’s the end of freshman year and I haven’t made any new friends at school."

Marcia Morris (M.D.) mentions our work in Psychology Today and suggests how students can cope with the emotional and social loneliness.

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Boston Globe: The Parenting Crisis Without a Vaccine: Loneliness

"The moral of the lesson is to assume good intentions. Give people benefit of the doubt... We have to take a step back and really think positive thoughts and collect ourselves and assume that people mean well,” emphasizes Milena Batanova, MCC's Research and Evaluation Manager.

The Boston Globe’s Kara Baskin adds, "The friend who appears to be ghosting might be depressed or anxious herself."

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KATC: Hotline Connects Teens with Peers in an Effort to Combat Pandemic Loneliness

"About half of lonely young adults in the survey reported that no one in the past few weeks had 'taken more than just a few minutes' to ask how they are doing in a way that made them feel like the person 'genuinely cared,'” emphasizes Ash-har Quraishi, referring to our recent loneliness research.

Find out more in this KATC piece about a hotline that connects teens with peers in an effort to combat pandemic loneliness.

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Foundation for Economic Education: Harvard Study: An Epidemic of Loneliness Is Spreading Across America

How can young adults meaningfully connect with their peers during school closures and remote learning?

Authors of our recent loneliness report emphasize that we we must shift from “Americans’ focus on the self” toward “the common good,” writes Kerry McDonald in this Foundation for Economic Education article.

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The Hill: The pandemic is fueling a crisis of connection. The next surgeon general should tackle both.

"We perpetuate dehumanizing stereotypes of each other that diminish our capacity to care; and we define success as being self-sufficient and achievement oriented rather than relationship oriented,” write Rick Weissbourd, Making Caring Common faculty director, Niobe Way, founder of the Project for the Advancement of Our Common Humanity, and Marc Brackett, director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence in this piece publish by The Hill.

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Grown and Flown: Harvard’s Making Caring Common Study Finds Teens and Young Adults Are Increasingly Lonely

"Even before the social distancing that exacerbated feelings of being alone, young people have been more susceptible to loneliness than older adults,” writes Lisa Endlich Heffernan in Grown and Flown. She discusses our new report, “Loneliness in America: How the Pandemic Has Deepened an Epidemic of Loneliness and What We Can Do About It.”

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HGSE News: Combatting an Epidemic of Loneliness

“We find in our data that 61% of young people are reporting serious loneliness — that they're lonely either frequently, almost all the time, or all the time,” emphasizes MCC Faculty Director Richard Weissbourd in this interview with Emily Boudreau.

Our new research about was highlighted in the Harvard Graduate School of Education News article: Combatting an Epidemic of Loneliness.

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