Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

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Posts in News
The Washington Post | The crisis in American girlhood

Parents and the public have been shocked by the disturbing revelations in a new CDC report about the widespread prevalence of feelings of intense sadness, suicidal ideation, and sexual violence experienced by teenage girls. The Washington Post’s Donna St. George spoke with MCC’s Rick Weissbourd about some of the reasons behind the crisis.

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Slate | The Future of the Recent Flexible Work Revolution Depends on Men

“I used to text my wife on the train ride home, asking how everyone’s day was. Now I am part of that day. And I love that.”

MCC research suggests that many fathers, like the dad quoted above, have felt closer to their kids since the pandemic began. In this Slate piece, Brigid Schulte and Kate Mangino take a closer look at how future opportunities to balance work and childcare will largely be shaped by men.

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Popular Science: Why Loneliness is Increasing, and How to Fight Back

"I think of loneliness as a social failure, not as an individual failure. And when you see that large numbers of people are lonely, I think it’s a sign that communities aren’t functioning well, that we don’t have a social infrastructure that really functions very well," says Rick Weissbourd.

In this Popular Science piece, Morgan Sweeney writes about pandemic isolation and how we can work to "overcome America's invisible health crisis."

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Greater Good Science Magazine: What Do We Need for Useful Political Conversations?

How can we lay the groundwork for more constructive political dialogue?

"We can begin by listening to each other, and we can try to learn about those we perceive as our opponents. We can lead with grace instead of leading with the quick burn. We can create space for respectful dialogue. And we can take pride in knowing that these small acts can add up to something much greater," write MCC's Ali Cashin and Rick Weissbourd in this piece for The Greater Good Science Center.

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