Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

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Greater Good Science Magazine: What Do We Need for Useful Political Conversations?

How can we lay the groundwork for more constructive political dialogue?

"We can begin by listening to each other, and we can try to learn about those we perceive as our opponents. We can lead with grace instead of leading with the quick burn. We can create space for respectful dialogue. And we can take pride in knowing that these small acts can add up to something much greater," write MCC's Ali Cashin and Rick Weissbourd in this piece for The Greater Good Science Center.

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Cartoon Network: Play Positive

Cartoon Network has launched a campaign about how to be a positive gamer. These videos give kids tips on heading off bullying before it starts. Since 2010, Stop Bulling Speak Up has empowered kids to develop greater kindness, caring, and empathy.

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NewsAli CashinBullying
Reuters: The American Pandemic Day: More Kids. More TV. More Z's. More Time Alone.

The U.S. Department of Labor's American Time Use Survey confirmed that dads spent more time with their kids in 2020.

"One of the questions is are fathers going to take the first train back to normal here ... or are they going to maintain some of this time and some of this closeness?” Rick Weissbourd asks in this Reuters article about the survey's results.

Find out more about how Americans spent their time last year during the pandemic.

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Rewilding Early Years: Ubuntu, Interbeing, Empathy, and Connection

Ubuntu, a South African word, is "recognition that we are all bound together in ways that can be invisible to the eye; that there is a oneness to humanity; that we achieve ourselves by sharing ourselves with others, and caring for those around us,” said former president Barack Obama.

Ubuntu is a reminder that caring matters, especially caring for those who are different from us.

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July 29 Webinar: Caring Schools Network Info Session

Making Caring Common’s Caring Schools Network (CSN) supports K-12 schools in cultivating strong, caring school communities that nurture students’ social, emotional, and academic commitments and skills they need to care for people who are different from them and build caring, just communities.

Join us to learn more about the following:

  1. How we support schools

  2. How schools improve their culture and climate

  3. Ways to become involved

We look forward to seeing you and answering your questions!

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Webinar: Building Relationships by Sharing Stories Part 1

Storytelling is a powerful tool for eliciting emotion and curiosity. It can be especially valuable in prompting students to reflect on their own identities and values, and to recognize that despite people’s differing stories, we all share commonalities. Stories allow us to bridge difference through understanding and connecting emotionally with others, even when we are physically apart. This session will share a strategy in which students identify and investigate their personal set of values and what/who matters to them. Students will use these values to guide the telling of (and making sense of) their own story.

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The Daily Free Press: A Room With a View: Summer Brings About Change and We Should Embrace It

Due to the pandemic, for the first time since the Great Depression, the majority of young adults currently live with their parents, according to a 2020 study by the Pew Research Center. Antonia Lehnert elaborates on this, noting that “for many, college provided a much-needed structure to their lives. The summer leaves many wading in the emptiness of quarantine.”

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