Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

Research + Programs

Making Caring Common leads a number of research projects and programs. From working directly with schools and educators to spearheading national campaigns, we strive to make caring a priority in homes, schools, and communities.

From working directly with schools and educators to spearheading national campaigns, we strive to make caring a priority in every home, school, and community.


Character Review in Admission Workshop

Admission for the Spring 2024 session is now closed. Please check back in early 2025 for information about next year’s session!

Discover how character review can help you build a stronger, more diverse student body that contributes to a thriving campus.

Join Making Caring Common's Character Review in Admission workshop series, designed for forward-thinking admission leaders like you. In this intimate cohort (limited to 20), you'll:

  • Uncover promising strategies for identifying and evaluating character strengths in applicants.

  • Learn from peers at a diverse range of institutions and share best practices.

  • Develop a customized action plan to seamlessly integrate character review into your existing process.

  • Work with experienced facilitators to overcome common challenges and ensure success.

Don't miss this opportunity to advance your process!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the goals of the workshop?

Participants will:

  • Draw from research to understand why character assessment matters in admission and learn best practices for doing it well. This will include strategies for recognizing strengths of diverse applicants. 

  • Work with facilitators and admission colleagues to identify and solve challenges that commonly arise as institutions attempt to integrate character review into their holistic review process.

  • Receive tools, support, and scaffolding over a two month period to develop and implement a customized action-plan specific to their institution for incorporating character review into their holistic review process. 

Who should attend?

  • Leaders from college admission offices who want to learn more about the effective review of applicants’ character and non-cognitive attributes and make strategic changes as part of their holistic admission process.

  • Admission leaders from all institution types are welcome–non-selective, selective, public, private, 4-year, 2-year etc. 

  • Ideally, participants would have some decision-making authority within their institution/office or will work closely with decision makers throughout their enrollment in this workshop.

What is the format of the workshops?

This will be a series of six sequenced online workshop sessions capped at 20 participants maximum. Participants will join a cohort group of admission peers, and thus, we will ask participants to join for all sessions (most occur April - June 2024, see more below). Facilitators will share up-to-date research and theory, and colleagues will discuss real-life challenges and opportunities associated with applicant character review in admission. Experienced facilitators will guide participants as they consider their respective institutions' goals, needs, and constraints in this work and explore pragmatic and research-based responses. Participants will return to their respective institutions after each session with knowledge of available research, tools to support them as they continue this work, and facilitators and a cohort to guide them. 

What is the commitment?

Workshop sessions will mainly occur April-June 2024. Sessions will occur on Tuesdays with recordings of sessions available afterward for all participants. Participants will be given activities and questions to consider with their respective institutional teams between sessions. 

As part of this workshop, each participant is invited to meet with MCC staff for an additional, optional 30-minute consultation.

How much does it cost?

The cost is $500.

*This fee helps offset MCC’s expenses in developing and implementing this course. We believe all colleges should be able to do this work, regardless of resources. If your institution is unable to afford this fee, but is interested in this work, please email us.


Trisha Ross Anderson


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