Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

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Read the latest from Making Caring Common!

You’re in the right place for our media coverage, blog posts, and event information. Our work spans a range of topics, all connected by our commitment to elevate caring and concern for the common good at school, at home, and in our communities. You can review what’s new below or use the dropdowns to sort by topic and category.

Be sure to join our email list and connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram, to stay current with Making Caring Common’s news and updates. If you’re a member of the media, please visit our Media Room.

Update: February 2019

photo collage of including high school students

Read the February update from Making Caring Common and don't forget to sign up for our monthly newsletter to get updates straight to your inbox.

In the news

Read coverage of Making Caring Common's work related to consent, romantic relationships, college admissions, and more.

For more information and resources, check out our website, and be sure to follow Making Caring Common on Facebook and Twitter to join the conversation online.

For Educators: Gender Bias Case Study

Despite the progress girls and women have made in school and the workplace in the past few decades, a gender gap still persists, and our research suggests that biases could be at the root of this gap.

Gender bias and discrimination is surprisingly common in many schools and sometimes happens beneath school staff’s radar. As adults, we can shed light on these important topics that often go undiscussed at school.

While these discussions can be challenging, our Gender Bias Case Study can help facilitate important conversations with your students.

For Families: 5 Tips for Preventing and Reducing Gender Bias

We all carry biases that are based on gender; throughout our lives we receive daily messages about what is expected of males and females.

These biases become ingrained and it’s often impossible to completely get rid of them. But, if we can be more aware of our biases, we have a better chance of counteracting them.

Use these tips and suggestions for understanding and addressing bias with your kids.

Congrats to the HGSE MCC Challenge Finalists!

Congratulations to the HGSE MCC Challenge finalists

Making Caring Common, generously supported by the Dean’s Office, engages current HGSE students in building empathy, bridging differences, and reducing bullying, discrimination, and harassment in schools.

Learn more about the projects developed by the 2018-2019 cohort.

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Ali Cashin