Raising kids who care about others and the common good.

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Posts in All What's New
Beyond Work, Scroll, and Repeat: Cultivating Meaning and Purpose in Gen Z

In our new report, On Edge: Understanding and Preventing Young Adults’ Mental Health Challenges, over half of young adults (58%) said they had experienced little or no purpose or meaning in their lives in the previous month. So how do those of us with young adults in our lives support them in developing a sense of meaning and purpose? We offer five data-driven suggestions in this blog post.

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School Profiles Part 2: Tools and Resources for Counselors, School Leaders, and Advocates

The high school profile provides college admissions officers with a high-level overview of a the school and community context from which a student is applying. Making Caring Common has collaborated  with Dr. Nicola to create a series of resources that assist counselors and school leaders in improving the quality and equity of their profiles.

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School Profiles Part 1: What are they? And can they help save college admissions?

Holistic review in college admission is based on the assumption that admission officers know the context of every applicant’s high school and community. But many small or under resourced schools don’t provide the contextual information most valuable to admission officers. In this blog post, MCC’s Julius DiLorenzo outlines 14 critical, contextual components all schools should include on their profile.

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